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I.T.F. Information



The International Taekwon-Do Federation (I.T.F.) – founded on March 22nd 1966 by General Choi Hong Hi, who developed Taekwon-Do to promote the teaching of this martial art.

At that time, nine countries were involved: Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, West Germany, USA, Turkey, Italy, and Egypt. I.T.F. Taekwon-Do is taught in almost every country in the world and General Choi Hong Hi is recognised as the Father of Taekwon-Do.

1966 March 22nd – The body was founded by General Choi Hong Hi, the Father of Taekwon-Do
1969 First Asian Tournament, Hong Kong
1972 I.T.F. headquarters moved to Toronto (Canada)
1974 First World Championships, Montreal (Canada)
1976 First European Championships, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
1979 First Pacific Championships, Wellington, (New Zealand)
1982 North American Federation created
1983 Central American Federation created
1985 ITF HQ relocated to Vienna (Austria)
2002 June 15th – The world mourns the death of General Choi Hong Hi

Sadly, on June 2002 when the founder passed away, so did also the unity, as a fact many practitioners agree on.

2002 Grand Master Hwang creates the Unified I.T.F. body (another branch)
2002 Chang Ung is appointed as President of the Korean I.T.F. branch
2002 Master Choi Jung Hwa VIII takes up the presidency of another I.T.F. body
2002 Master Tran Quan is appointed as President of Vienna group

2015 I.T.F. UNION takes its place in the World.

I.T.F. is nowadays is divided into too many segments with all claiming to be authentic – this might be right, as all come from the original tree.

Without any doubt and looking at the actual I.T.F. world situation I.T.F. Union has created Policies, Rules and Regulations that benefit any existing federation/association, instructor and or practitioner in the world.

Therefore, the main mission of I.T.F. Union is to unite all the segments to become one I.T.F. only.



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